Monday, September 22, 2008


A few months back I had to do a book review on John Maxwell’s book “Developing the Leader Within You,” and for some reason I was looking back over that this morning. Below are a few thoughts from the chapter on integrity.

The most important ingredient of Leadership: INTEGRITY (chapter title)

Defined integrity is simply being complete, my words and my deeds match up. You have probably heard that integrity is who you are when no one is looking... Am I who I am no matter where I am or who I am with? For me I think it is important that my system of values, my faith is so much a part of Erin that it cannot be separated from me. Integrity welds what we say, think and do into a whole person so that permission is never granted for one of those to be out of sync.

Regarding leadership, in order to earn trust as a leader people desire to see be in reality what we appear to be. It makes sense to me that the more followers see and hear their leaders being consistent in action and word, the greater their consistency and loyalty. What they hear, they understand and what they see, they believe! Integrity validates credibility and the more credible you are the more confidence people place in you, allowing you the privilege of influencing their lives.

Integrity builds trust, has high influence value, facilitates high standards, results in solid reputation not just image,

Authority is not the power a leader has over subordinates but rather the leader's ability to influence subordinates to recognize and accept that power. For a leader to have the authority to lead, he needs more than the title on his door, he has to have the trust of those who are following him. Too many people are ready to assert their rights (leadership) but not to assume their responsibilities. What limits people is lack of character, when their character is low so are their standards. It is not about the image of who Erin is but who she really is.

Consistency: Are you the same person no matter who you with?
Choices: Do you make decisions that are best for others when another choice would benefit you?
Credit: Are you quick to recognize others for their efforts and contributions to your success?

We cannot give what we do not have. Image promises much but gives little and integrity never disappoints.

Integrity means living it myself before leading others. I cannot lead anyone further than I am willing to go myself, there are no shortcuts. If the process is right the product is guaranteed. Insincerity cannot be hidden, disguised or covered up, no matter how competent a manager may otherwise be. The only way to keep the goodwill and high esteem of the people you work with is to deserve it. Integrity is not a given, it is a result of self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be relentlessly honest in all situations in our lives.

Am I totally availing myself to the teaching I am receiving? Unfortunately we teach what we know and reproduce what we are. What is it that I truly value? Conviction is belief or principle that you regularly model, one for which you would be willing to die...what are my convictions?


MMm&m said...

ERIN!!!! How have you been, sister? I am so glad to find your blog (thanks to Laura used-to-be Bleakney!!) and I'd love to play catch up!
Love ya!

Laura and Ryan said...

Wow, sounds like a good book. I love the idea of who you are when no one is watching...hmm..